How to Say “Fake It!” in Germany and Finland

Posted at 26.Feb, 05:02h In news By - 0 Comments

We’re proud to announce that Fake It!  is now out in German and Finland (see Finnish press after the German section)121211_Mich kriegt ihr nicht.indd

Your guide to digital self-defense hits bookstores in Germany, Switzerland and Austria this week under the title Mich kriegt ihr nicht! (You won’t catch me), published by Murmann Verlag in Hamburg.

Patrick Beuth, author for ZEIT ONLINE, has been one of the first to speak with us about the German edition. And we’re excited to report he recommends the book.

And here is an interview with Steffan Heuer in Sächsische Zeitung 27th Feb 2013.

Here is a review at Spiegel Online actually recommending our book 28th Feb 2013 calling it Justified Alarmism, “Berechtigte Panikmache” and concluding: “Wenn Sie aber gern online sind, obwohl Sie der ganze technische Computerkram gar nicht so genau interessiert: Kaufen Sie dieses Buch. Denn selbst wenn man sich an die Tipps nicht halten mag, erklärt es allgemeinverständlich, was mit unseren Daten passiert, sobald wir online gehen.”

Dominik Allemann ‏@dominikallemann writes on Twitter: Kompliment an die autoren @sheuer @PernilleT! «Mich kriegt ihr nicht!». SEHR LESENSWERT! (very readable). You can see their review here. It is a Swiss blog.

Radio interview with Steffan Heuer at Bayerische Rundfunk Monday 11th March

A great blog review The German Internet-Angst – thanks.

Interview with Steffan Heuer in the largest daily in Switzerland: Tages Anzeiger saying that “Internet-users are all little brothers” and “Steffan Heuer says that our personal data are being collected systematically and he calls for digital selfdefense.”

WDR-interview 15.4.13 with Steffan Heuer about digital selfdefense. And at WDR5.

Deutche Welle, 30.4.13 interview on web-tv with Steffan Heuer about fighting back from the massive tracking of us online. Here in English. Here in German.

Mich Kriegt Ihr Nicht,, radio interview with Steffan Heuer.ORF.atScreen Shot 2013-06-14 at 11.01.16 AM

Ist Privatsphare im Netz Moglich? Steffan Heuer in






Concerning Finland:

Here are some of the many articles and television shows from around the launch.  We will update it, as it is still coming in. Unfortunately most of it cannot be understood. The talkshows and tv, if it is online, is however in English, as I dont speak Swedish well enough to explain such a complicated topic.

Kauppalehti (main commercial daily in Finland) => STT’s article
STT = FNB (Finlands News Bureau) article in swedish
Uusi Suomi article 6.3.2013
Teaser from Bettina’s show to be broadcasted on Monday 25.3
And here is the actual show.

 article 22.3.13
STT / Lehtikuva photos 21.3.13
Ilta-Sanomat 21.3.13  (biggest evening paper)
Tietoviikko 5.3. (based on Talouselämä article)
Satakunnan kansa 21.3.(local newspaper, Pori region)
ESS = Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 21.3.13 (local newspaper, Lahti region)
Turun Sanomat (local newspaper, Turku region)
Kaleva (local newspaper, Oulu region)
Talouselämä 3rd March 2013
Min Morgon, Swedish-speaking tv, 26th March 2013 – Finnish paper’s webversion 22nd March 2013 (on paper 23rd)
TV1 / Puoli Seitsemän, April 18, explaining about data brokers
Anders Innovation – Finnish English blog on our book