Facebook fatigue is running high, according to a Danish study which we are happy to bring you exclusively.
Here’s the data: 40 percent of Danish Facebook-book users, who are also members of the labour union HK/privat, are either tired of Facebook or really tired of Facebook. These are the results of an Epinion-survey commissioned by HK/privat for which almost 1,600 members filled out the questionnaire.
75 percent of the members who answered (1,200) have an account on Facebook. Of those, 8 percent are very happy with the social network, and 44 percent are pretty happy with it. 35 percent are pretty tired of it, and 5 percent said they are really tired of it.
The numbers are pretty high. That begs two questions: Since Facebook is a voluntary labor of love for each member, why are so many people fed up with it? And why don’t they just leave?
Maybe it’s because Facebook can be harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol. A study by the University of Chicago on 200 Germans shows that the Number 1 desire is sleeping and eating, but that checking social media is almost as high on the list – way higher than having sex. Wired also reported on the study and concludes:
What do we make of it? We recommend that you fake it on Facebook — feed the data sinkhole with fake names, addresses, birthdays etc. Not only because of the privacy issues. If you use a pseudonym, you keep more of yourself to yourself and may not take all the sharing and gabbing too seriously. It’s just a social network, after all. You should leave it and delete your account if you feel you waste your time.